The Infinite Wall

I – Nothing and the Infinite in one – just like everyone else. Climbing the infinite wall. Always halfway up.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Paul Halmos, R.I.P.

Paul Halmos, author of some wonderful mathematical textbooks and the essay any student should read before even starting on their thesis, How to Write Mathematics, died on the 2nd of October. Short accounts of Halmos' life and works can be found here and here. An interesting man. I have asked the college library to buy his "automathiography" (a biography solely devoted to his professional life as a mathematician) I Want to Be a Mathematician, and look forward to a good read.


  • At 1:36 PM, Anonymous aerobic dvds said…

    I am afraid that this statement is not correct "I have asked the college library to buy his "automathiography" (a biography solely devoted to his professional life as a mathematician) I Want to Be a Mathematician, and look forward to a good read.

    aerobic dvds.


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